The Christmas TV special Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer first aired 50 years ago on NBC on December 6, 1964 and is now an annual holiday tradition around the world. A little known fact about this beloved stop motion animation is that it features a Canadian cast!
A group of Canadian actors gathered in a downtown Toronto studio to create the voices for Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer including Billie Mae Richards as Rudolph, Paul Soles as Hermey the Elf, Larry D Mann as Yukon Cornelius, and Carl Banas as Foreman Elf. Little did they know they would be creating the voices for some of the most popular Christmas characters in television history.
Here are our favourite moments from these four Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer characters:
Foreman Elf
Oh well, if that’s all . . . WHAT?!
Foreman Elf has a lot of elves to manage, and when Hermey the Elf admits he doesn’t like to make toys he can’t believe his pointed ears!
Hermey the Elf
Hey, what do you say we both be independent together, huh?
After leaving the North Pole to become a dentist, Hermey finds another misfit in the snow!
Yukon Cornelius
Oh, well, now I’m off to get my life-sustaining supplies: cornmeal and gun powder and hamhocks and guitar strings.
Rudolph and Hermey were fortunate to meet Yukon Cornelius, the greatest prospector in the North, who taught them basic survival skills.
I’m cute! I’m cute! She said I’m cute!
Upon arrival at the reindeer games, Rudolph receives a compliment from Clarice the Doe, and his nerves melt away!
To celebrate 50 years of Rudolph, has gathered the largest selection of Rudolph products this side of Hudson Bay!
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